Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Katherine's Big Shebang!

This is Katherine posting for her wonderful mother while home for Christmas. :D we've all been really busy and just having a LOT of fun...mom's finished her masters and i've made a trip up to the Atlanata Temple and have been able to hang out with friends and family since i got home. it's been really nice to be home again and can't wait for the day to be able to come home more often! Time just flies by so i hope i can do everything that i want to do...finding time for everyone is the hardest thing. But i love being home and hope everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! :D
I am so thankful for being able to finish the Master's program. The Lord has really been with all of us. Having Katie home for such a short period of time has been wonderful. We are looking forward for her to be at DisneyWorld for the seven months she is interning there. We will be trying to see her and be there to encourage her. She will be in the Orlando area and hopefully will make new and wonderful friends during this experience.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sad news!

Today we had to put our oldest cat, Miguelina down. She had been ill for months but today she was really bad and I could not watch her suffer anymore. She weighed about three pounds. She was with us for 18 years and so she was part of our family. She is probably on the otherside wondering why Hercules is licking her face. She really disliked to have him do that to her. I will try to bury her tomorrow with Hercules. It really depends on how my day goes. I will truly miss her.

What joy our pets bring us! We do not realize that they bring us joy sometimes until they are gone. I will have to treasure her memories in my heart for a long time. She and her beautiful kittens. What memories! Kids, remember the time she hid the kittens in the box springs of Daddy's and my bed? Or how about how she had her litter of kittens in Daddy's side of the closet? Her tiny face and little body compared to the other cats we have had will always be there. Dr. Farris, the vet, almost cried with me because she has a whole house full of cats. She was really sweet about the whole thing. Remember the joy and fun things she has brought to our lives and we will have joy eternal. She will be waiting for us! Now we need to live worthy to be with her.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Katelyn Ashlee

Since Mike and Amber do not have a blog. I thought that I would share our newest addition to the Murrays!

Katelyn Ashlee Murray, 7 pounds 13 ounces, 20 inches long and 13 cm around the head. She is pretty and pink!Sarah Autumn with Katelyn Ashlee. They are a cute pair.Katelyn Ashlee and Lily Anne - Momma said I had to be nice.

The three youngest Murrays.

Sarah, Katelyn and Lily

We are wondering if she is going to stay with the darker hair or if she is going to be a red-head with her sisters.

We are growing in leaps and bounds now!!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Gratefulness

Happy Thanksgiving!

This has really been a wonderful Thanksgiving for the Murray Family.

Katelyn Ashlee Murray was born on November 26th at 4:48 a.m. She weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces, 20 inches long and her head measured 13 cm. She has dark hair which is different from her two older sisters, who are red-heads.

The second blessing this Thankgiving is that Kelley Anne and Drew are expecting their first child around the end of July or first of August. The Smiths will have their first grandchild but this will be the Murray Clans' fifth grandchild. We are so excited for the newlyweds and the new adventure that they are enbarking upon.

We are thankful for our family and friends and for the gospel of Jesus Christ that enriches our lives each day.

Thank you to one and all who have made us a happy and wholesome year.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Graduation is Coming

Graduation from University of Phoenix is coming soon. I can hardly believe that I am about to start the last class. The class that I am in right now ends a week from today and I start the last class then. WOW! Where have 15 months gone! It seems like yesterday we began this tour.

A new tour is beginning in January when I go back into the program at the University of Phoenix for two years. I will be working on a second masters. This time it will be in Special Education. I am really grateful for all that I have been able to accomplish. I can hardly believe that we are all growing daily and how we have all been able to learn and grow.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hope for the future!

Today is really a sad day for America. We are walking into a very dangerous situation and I am not sure that we are going to come out the victor. I have so much to be grateful for and yet we really have so much to lose. We are a free and independent nation who may be headed into slavery of a government who does not know how to allow people to use wise and humble knowledge.

For the Murrays, I am so very proud of each of you and hope that you are taking the time to read this blog and see how we feel about you. We are praying for each of you and your success. Please continue the wonderful work.

May our Heavenly Father bless all of you and yours. We have to be even more obedient to make this time a successful period of time.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Future of the Citizens of the USA

As I have been preparing for the future I have been very concerned about the outcome of the current presidential election. I have been thinking about our scriptures and what they teach us. The determination that we are really getting very close to the last days has left me with these thoughts.
We are a very blessed nation and we really need to be able to be grateful to our Heavenly Father for all that he has given us as a nation. We have freedoms that most people would only dream of. We have the freedom of speech, religion and we have rights also. Rights to bare arms and to live where we would like. All in all the founding fathers of this nation were truly inspired by Heavenly Father.
I became angry when I thought that we may have a president who wants to take away our creativity and freedoms. I am so very grateful for the great members of my family who have fought for our freedoms starting with my relatives who fought in the American Revolution to my grandfather, father, husband and sons. They have all been willing to fight for our right to have the freedoms. To have a man be elected as the President of the USA and will not even Pledge Allegiance to our flag, put his hand on his heart to show respect, and will not sing the national anthem. He wants to bring our military home and then downsize by 25%. What a frightening thought!!!
Another thought is the prophets have told us to have our three months of food storage. The stock market is going up and down like a roller coaster. We are needing to heed His word and follow His counsel through His living Prophets. We really do need to prepare because the worst has not been seen and we all have many trials ahead. We need to be spiritually prepared and allow the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to guide each and every one of us.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Here is Katherine from Kelley's Wedding

Katherine Irene Murray was born today nineteen years ago. She was stubborn and had to be delivered by C-section. She has been wonderfully a challenge growing up. She has many great and extensive talents. Her greatest talent or skill is to love people. When she loves you it is not a little but completely. You are vey lucky to receive her love and concern. She working on getting her degree in cosmetology at Bon Losee Academy of Cosmetology. She will graduate in January.

Katie, Amber, Shawna and Chris at the end of the reception.

Katie and Diego dancing the night away. In the background - Mike and Sarah are dancing while Darla is looking on.

Here are all of the brothers and sisters from both the Smiths and the Murrays. What a wonderful family was created on August 5, 2008.

Katie, Kelley, Shawna and Kimberly outside the temple.

Katie is blooming into a wonderful adult and one that will be the crown on some lucky guys crown. She is talented, brave and strong willed. There are many more attributes to write about but I cannot even begin to start.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Kelley and Drew on their Wedding Day

We are now to our Kelley, who has been a very quiet and talented young lady. She is our bride during this trip. She is such a wonder to us. She has finally met her Prince Charming, Drew Smith. He has really been a joy to our family and we are so happy to have him join the Murray Clan (even if his last name is Smith - LOL).

Kelley has been our little red for so many years. She will always be and her Granddad tells her how much she reminds him of his beautiful wife when she was younger. Both sharing the beautiful red hair.

Kelley is with Drew and Drew's Dad, Stewart. They were laughing pretty hard before this photo was taken.

When Kelley was a little girl, she and her sisters always got a good night butterfily kiss from their Daddy. To say the least, tears were close in the eyes of a loving Dad.

You have heard of seeing eye to eye and now we have nose to nose!

Congratulations Drew and Kelley!! Here are the Smiths!

Kelley's Wedding and Patrick and Adrienne

Patrick is our next child to be introduced. He and his wife are an adorable couple with a beautiful baby on the way in January. They met in North Carolina, then once Patrick returned from his mission in San Antonio TX Spanish Speaking Mission, they renewed their friendship and were married in May of 2006 in the Salt Lake City Temple.
They have been fun to be around and can usually keep the family in stitches with their comedy. Patrick has always loved to hear people laugh and be happy and so they have kept that attitude in their family. They have their baby due in January 2009. This will make three in this household.
Patrick is in Manufacturing Engineering and Adrienne is working toward what those of us in the old days called Home Economics. Both are attending BYU and graduate if everything goes the way they have planned in April of 2010. They are hoping that Patrick will be able to fly fixed wing aircraft for the U.S. Air Force.

Adrienne and Patrick at the Mount Timpanogas Temple.Patrick in conversation with his brother.

Patrick, Kelley and Mike outside the temple. (Patrick is playing tag with Kelley!)

Adrienne helping to decorate the truck at the reception. She and the rest of the family and friends had a wonderful time decorating the vehicle and filling it with balloons.

Now you have met Patrick and Adrienne. They call themselves AM to PM. We have enjoyed their excitement for life and hope they will be happy forever.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Kelley's Wedding and Shawna Lin

As you have seen, Michael, Amber and the girls are a wonderful family. Let me now introduce you to Shawna Lin. She is a beautiful returned missionary from San Pedro Sula Honduras Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who teaches at the Missionary Training Center. She has many abilities and talents and there are times that I become jealous of her. She is a wonderful daughter and sister to her siblings. She has always amazed me with all that she is able to accomplish currently and in the past. I have learned how very blessed I am as a parent and as an eternal sister to this young woman.

I give you, Shawna Lin.

Shawna with her Granddad.
Kimberly, Shawna and Katie - The Bride's maids. Shawna and Adrienne at the temple.

Shawna and Granddad dancing at the reception.

Shawna and Kelley at the Reception. Aren't they beautiful?

Shawna and Lily outside the Temple Doors. They are having fun.
I hope that you have enjoyed the few pictures that I have chosen to share with you at this time.
Sherri Lin

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Kelley's Wedding and the Family Together

As I was evaluating what went on during Kelley's wedding, I decided to write a little about each of my beautiful children who are Young Adults and their beautiful families. I wanted to introduce you to them. So Tonight I am going to write about Michael, Amber, Sarah and Lily. And the joy that they are in my life. They are really such a joy. So here it is:
Michael Charles is our eldest. He and his wife have been married for six years this December. Mike took his beautiful bride, Amber through the Salt Lake City Temple on December 26, 2002. They have had two wonderful baby girls, Sarah (5) and Lily (2). They are currently living in Alaska as Mike serves in the Air Force protecting our home, family and country. He has done so many wonderful things in the past to include earning his Eagle Scout Award and serving a full-time mission in Dubland, Ireland Mission. He has truly been an asset and a blessing in our lives. Thank you for the joy you have given all of us.

Here are Shawna and Lily outside the Temple.

Sarah and one of the balloons for the car.

Sara dancing with Shawna.

Hi Sarah! You are a real Princess in that dress.

Lily and Grandpa waiting for Kelley and Drew to come out of the Temple.

Here we are dancing again outside the temple. We cannot wait for the Reception.

Mike at the truck. He had his own ideas. Time to get revenge for his wedding reception car decorations.

Kelley, Drew and Lily outside the Temple.

Shall we dance now? Sarah at the reception. Dresses are made by Grammy (me).

Grammy gets to hold Lily for a second. And I do mean a second.

Kelley, Drew and Lily outside the temple giving hugs.

Decorating the truck takes a lot of air and this balloon is not helping!

Hugs all around. Amber, Mike and baby to be (Katelyn).

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A New Day and Another Thought

September 12, 2008
Today is Friday and I have been working on my class posts and thoughts. I have really been working so hard to achieve and then all of a sudden I realized that I had not been leaning on Heavenly Father for help.
We have been busy with helping as much as we could with the victims of Hurricane Gustav. I will be thankful when the unit is finally decommissioned and we are back to a more normal schedule. Things are busy and crazy at times.

Count your many blessings . . . .

September 11, 2008
Today as I was watching the news, I was pondering the effects of the events of this day seven years ago today.
As I have had the opportunity to watch the news today, I have been acutely reminded of the horrific day seven years ago today. The beautiful memorial at the Pentagon is really wonderful. We actually have two very close friends that thank our God, whoever you believe he is, on this day that they are still alive. Their offices were in the section of the Pentagon that was hit and they, for whatever reason, were not in their offices that day. One of these great men pinned on his first star on July 2nd this year. There are so many blessing that we need to be aware of and thank our God for those blessings to include the lives of friends and loved ones who were spared that terrible day.
Another thought that I have had is that we have such rich lives filled with the gospel of Jesus Christ and yet we stumble to follow him in the richness of his teachings. I have truly been amazed at what I have had the chance to witness and allow to enter into my life. As I have been working on my Masters I have become more aware of what is out there in the world and how very sheltered my family and I have been through being members of the Church. We have truly been given the best of life. Children with their spouses, grandchildren and each other for time and all eternity. I can only hope that I am worthy of His great and wonderful love. May I always be worthy of his love and blessings.