Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Graduation is Coming

Graduation from University of Phoenix is coming soon. I can hardly believe that I am about to start the last class. The class that I am in right now ends a week from today and I start the last class then. WOW! Where have 15 months gone! It seems like yesterday we began this tour.

A new tour is beginning in January when I go back into the program at the University of Phoenix for two years. I will be working on a second masters. This time it will be in Special Education. I am really grateful for all that I have been able to accomplish. I can hardly believe that we are all growing daily and how we have all been able to learn and grow.


The Phipps said...

Hey Sherry,

Good job:)

Sherri Berri said...

Hi Monique!
Thank you! It has not been the simplest thing I have tried to do but it has been fun.