Saturday, November 29, 2008

Katelyn Ashlee

Since Mike and Amber do not have a blog. I thought that I would share our newest addition to the Murrays!

Katelyn Ashlee Murray, 7 pounds 13 ounces, 20 inches long and 13 cm around the head. She is pretty and pink!Sarah Autumn with Katelyn Ashlee. They are a cute pair.Katelyn Ashlee and Lily Anne - Momma said I had to be nice.

The three youngest Murrays.

Sarah, Katelyn and Lily

We are wondering if she is going to stay with the darker hair or if she is going to be a red-head with her sisters.

We are growing in leaps and bounds now!!!!


The Phipps said...

Oh she looks like a doll!!! Beautiful :)

Sherri Berri said...

Thank you! We think so too. She is doing well according to her mother and we are so happy she is here.