Sunday, September 28, 2008

Kelley and Drew on their Wedding Day

We are now to our Kelley, who has been a very quiet and talented young lady. She is our bride during this trip. She is such a wonder to us. She has finally met her Prince Charming, Drew Smith. He has really been a joy to our family and we are so happy to have him join the Murray Clan (even if his last name is Smith - LOL).

Kelley has been our little red for so many years. She will always be and her Granddad tells her how much she reminds him of his beautiful wife when she was younger. Both sharing the beautiful red hair.

Kelley is with Drew and Drew's Dad, Stewart. They were laughing pretty hard before this photo was taken.

When Kelley was a little girl, she and her sisters always got a good night butterfily kiss from their Daddy. To say the least, tears were close in the eyes of a loving Dad.

You have heard of seeing eye to eye and now we have nose to nose!

Congratulations Drew and Kelley!! Here are the Smiths!

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