Sunday, September 28, 2008

Kelley's Wedding and Patrick and Adrienne

Patrick is our next child to be introduced. He and his wife are an adorable couple with a beautiful baby on the way in January. They met in North Carolina, then once Patrick returned from his mission in San Antonio TX Spanish Speaking Mission, they renewed their friendship and were married in May of 2006 in the Salt Lake City Temple.
They have been fun to be around and can usually keep the family in stitches with their comedy. Patrick has always loved to hear people laugh and be happy and so they have kept that attitude in their family. They have their baby due in January 2009. This will make three in this household.
Patrick is in Manufacturing Engineering and Adrienne is working toward what those of us in the old days called Home Economics. Both are attending BYU and graduate if everything goes the way they have planned in April of 2010. They are hoping that Patrick will be able to fly fixed wing aircraft for the U.S. Air Force.

Adrienne and Patrick at the Mount Timpanogas Temple.Patrick in conversation with his brother.

Patrick, Kelley and Mike outside the temple. (Patrick is playing tag with Kelley!)

Adrienne helping to decorate the truck at the reception. She and the rest of the family and friends had a wonderful time decorating the vehicle and filling it with balloons.

Now you have met Patrick and Adrienne. They call themselves AM to PM. We have enjoyed their excitement for life and hope they will be happy forever.

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