Thursday, September 11, 2008

Count your many blessings . . . .

September 11, 2008
Today as I was watching the news, I was pondering the effects of the events of this day seven years ago today.
As I have had the opportunity to watch the news today, I have been acutely reminded of the horrific day seven years ago today. The beautiful memorial at the Pentagon is really wonderful. We actually have two very close friends that thank our God, whoever you believe he is, on this day that they are still alive. Their offices were in the section of the Pentagon that was hit and they, for whatever reason, were not in their offices that day. One of these great men pinned on his first star on July 2nd this year. There are so many blessing that we need to be aware of and thank our God for those blessings to include the lives of friends and loved ones who were spared that terrible day.
Another thought that I have had is that we have such rich lives filled with the gospel of Jesus Christ and yet we stumble to follow him in the richness of his teachings. I have truly been amazed at what I have had the chance to witness and allow to enter into my life. As I have been working on my Masters I have become more aware of what is out there in the world and how very sheltered my family and I have been through being members of the Church. We have truly been given the best of life. Children with their spouses, grandchildren and each other for time and all eternity. I can only hope that I am worthy of His great and wonderful love. May I always be worthy of his love and blessings.

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