Sunday, September 14, 2008

Kelley's Wedding and the Family Together

As I was evaluating what went on during Kelley's wedding, I decided to write a little about each of my beautiful children who are Young Adults and their beautiful families. I wanted to introduce you to them. So Tonight I am going to write about Michael, Amber, Sarah and Lily. And the joy that they are in my life. They are really such a joy. So here it is:
Michael Charles is our eldest. He and his wife have been married for six years this December. Mike took his beautiful bride, Amber through the Salt Lake City Temple on December 26, 2002. They have had two wonderful baby girls, Sarah (5) and Lily (2). They are currently living in Alaska as Mike serves in the Air Force protecting our home, family and country. He has done so many wonderful things in the past to include earning his Eagle Scout Award and serving a full-time mission in Dubland, Ireland Mission. He has truly been an asset and a blessing in our lives. Thank you for the joy you have given all of us.

Here are Shawna and Lily outside the Temple.

Sarah and one of the balloons for the car.

Sara dancing with Shawna.

Hi Sarah! You are a real Princess in that dress.

Lily and Grandpa waiting for Kelley and Drew to come out of the Temple.

Here we are dancing again outside the temple. We cannot wait for the Reception.

Mike at the truck. He had his own ideas. Time to get revenge for his wedding reception car decorations.

Kelley, Drew and Lily outside the Temple.

Shall we dance now? Sarah at the reception. Dresses are made by Grammy (me).

Grammy gets to hold Lily for a second. And I do mean a second.

Kelley, Drew and Lily outside the temple giving hugs.

Decorating the truck takes a lot of air and this balloon is not helping!

Hugs all around. Amber, Mike and baby to be (Katelyn).

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