Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Katherine's Big Shebang!

This is Katherine posting for her wonderful mother while home for Christmas. :D we've all been really busy and just having a LOT of fun...mom's finished her masters and i've made a trip up to the Atlanata Temple and have been able to hang out with friends and family since i got home. it's been really nice to be home again and can't wait for the day to be able to come home more often! Time just flies by so i hope i can do everything that i want to do...finding time for everyone is the hardest thing. But i love being home and hope everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! :D
I am so thankful for being able to finish the Master's program. The Lord has really been with all of us. Having Katie home for such a short period of time has been wonderful. We are looking forward for her to be at DisneyWorld for the seven months she is interning there. We will be trying to see her and be there to encourage her. She will be in the Orlando area and hopefully will make new and wonderful friends during this experience.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sad news!

Today we had to put our oldest cat, Miguelina down. She had been ill for months but today she was really bad and I could not watch her suffer anymore. She weighed about three pounds. She was with us for 18 years and so she was part of our family. She is probably on the otherside wondering why Hercules is licking her face. She really disliked to have him do that to her. I will try to bury her tomorrow with Hercules. It really depends on how my day goes. I will truly miss her.

What joy our pets bring us! We do not realize that they bring us joy sometimes until they are gone. I will have to treasure her memories in my heart for a long time. She and her beautiful kittens. What memories! Kids, remember the time she hid the kittens in the box springs of Daddy's and my bed? Or how about how she had her litter of kittens in Daddy's side of the closet? Her tiny face and little body compared to the other cats we have had will always be there. Dr. Farris, the vet, almost cried with me because she has a whole house full of cats. She was really sweet about the whole thing. Remember the joy and fun things she has brought to our lives and we will have joy eternal. She will be waiting for us! Now we need to live worthy to be with her.