Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Future of the Citizens of the USA

As I have been preparing for the future I have been very concerned about the outcome of the current presidential election. I have been thinking about our scriptures and what they teach us. The determination that we are really getting very close to the last days has left me with these thoughts.
We are a very blessed nation and we really need to be able to be grateful to our Heavenly Father for all that he has given us as a nation. We have freedoms that most people would only dream of. We have the freedom of speech, religion and we have rights also. Rights to bare arms and to live where we would like. All in all the founding fathers of this nation were truly inspired by Heavenly Father.
I became angry when I thought that we may have a president who wants to take away our creativity and freedoms. I am so very grateful for the great members of my family who have fought for our freedoms starting with my relatives who fought in the American Revolution to my grandfather, father, husband and sons. They have all been willing to fight for our right to have the freedoms. To have a man be elected as the President of the USA and will not even Pledge Allegiance to our flag, put his hand on his heart to show respect, and will not sing the national anthem. He wants to bring our military home and then downsize by 25%. What a frightening thought!!!
Another thought is the prophets have told us to have our three months of food storage. The stock market is going up and down like a roller coaster. We are needing to heed His word and follow His counsel through His living Prophets. We really do need to prepare because the worst has not been seen and we all have many trials ahead. We need to be spiritually prepared and allow the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to guide each and every one of us.